What's On

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Bodega Bay ©

A copyright disclaimer is a statement that claims ownership of original content, or discloses your use of copyrighted materials for “fair use” purposes. ... Copyright disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act: This disclaimer appears on content (commonly YouTube videos) that uses someone else's copyrighted content. Bodega Bay Written by: Devon Murray 4/3/18 – Second Draft Overview: Lance is a socialite who finds himself in trouble for his ‘pranks’. Keith decides to give Lance a dose of his own medicine which angers Lance. He decides to bring Keith lovebirds as a ‘prank’ which backfires and causes Lance to extend his stay in Bodega Bay where crazy things have been happening with the weather and people are getting murdered mysteriously. Lance thinks that he’s chasing his potential love interests but what he doesn’t know is that he could be potentially chasing after a serial killer. ‘Bodega Bay’ which is based on Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’ meets murder mystery with a thrilling twist. Scene one: (Full shot) Lance is walking down the street towards the pet store. He looks at the sky and notices dark clouds approaching over the horizon. He quickly sprints into the pet store in hopes that the mynah bird is there so he can sneak it to his mom’s house for her birthday. Lance: (Enters pet store and walks up the stairs to see Joyce behind the counter) Hey Joyce, it looks like a storm is coming. Joyce: (Looks out of the window) The news didn’t say anything about rain. I better have Raymond close the windows. (Takes a quick glance around the store to see if Raymond is around) I need to find Raymond really quick. I’ll be right back. (Sprints away from the desk) Lance: (Leans on the side of the desk looking down at his phone; looks up at the sky to see lightning flashing. Mumbles under his breathe.) I was hoping I could beat the rain. Joyce: (Walks back up the stairs and behind the desk) I was hoping you’d be a little late. The delivery hasn’t made it yet. Lance: (Becoming upset) But you said three o’clock. Joyce: (Sounding apologetic) I know. I’ve been calling all morning. You have no idea how hard it is to get a hold of these people. We get them from India you know, when they’re just little chicks and we have to… Lance: (Interrupts) This one won’t be a chick, will he? Joyce: Certainly not, this one will be a full grown myna bird. Lance: And he’ll talk? [Scene cont. next page] Joyce: Well, you’ll have to teach him to talk yourself. Lance: Won’t it be something when I teach it a few words that I’ve picked up from Berkley? Joyce: Angie will be very surprised indeed. (Looks down at her watch) I don’t know where these people could be. I told them not to take the expressway there’s a terrible accident. (Looks at Lance feeling flustered) Do you mind if I give them a call? Lance: Well, alright. Joyce: (Scurries behind into the room behind the counter) Lance: (Continues looking on his cell phone) [Keith walks into the pet store looking around. He notices the stairs to lead to the second floor and sprints up them to see Lance standing beside the counter on his cell phone.] Keith: (Grins ecstatically) How’s the community service going? Lance: (Looks up to see Keith and become slightly annoyed.) Why do you even care? Keith: If I were the judge you’d be behind bars. Lance: Well, you’re not the judge or the jury. Keith: I was wondering if you’ve got any lovebirds. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: I don’t work here. Keith: You’re standing at the counter but you don’t work here? Lance: No I don’t, you know I don’t work here! Keith: So what is your goal, to help Joyce lose as many customers as she can? Lance: You’re just one- Keith: (Interrupts) One customer can easily turn into five, ten and eventually fifty. Lance: (Highly upset) I’m not even sure what they look like. Keith: (Speaks with much hauteur) I thought you were a lover of the birds? Lance: I am but… Keith: (Interrupts) You shouldn’t have any problems pointing out lovebirds then. Lance: (Hesitates) Well, alright. (Begins walking around with Keith) Keith: Are these it? Lance: Those are ‘red birds’. [Scene cont. next page] Keith: Aren’t those called red factory canaries? Lance: We also call them that too. Keith: Do you know if they’re molting? Lance: These birds aren’t. Keith: How do you know? Lance: They’re not losing any feathers. Keith: I would like to see this one. Lance: (Makes a huge sigh then reaches in to grab one of the birds. The bird flies out of the cage and flies around above the cages.) Oh, crap! Joyce: (Sprints out to see the bird flying around) Oh no, grab him! (Lance and Joyce jump up to try and grab the bird flying around.) Keith: (Smirks at the fact that Lance and Joyce are struggling to catch this bird. The bird lands in the bowl; and Keith catches it with his hat and grabs it quickly and puts it back in his cage.) Back in your glided cage you go Lance Miles. Lance: What did you say? Keith: I was merely drawing a parallel between this bird causing a ruckus and your practical jokes. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: I think you’re an asshole! Keith: I just wanted you to see what it feels like to be on the other end of a ‘gag’. Lance: -And your love bird story? Keith: (Interrupts) I really did need them. Lance: (Interrupts) But you deliberately- Keith: I take great solace in getting you all riddled up. See you in court Lance. (Smirks arrogantly as he walks away) Lance: I’m glad you didn’t get your lovebirds! Keith: Oh, I’ll get something else. (Continues walking down the stairs and out the door) Joyce: Who was that man? Lance: His name is Keith. He’s the lawyer who wanted to see me behind bars for that window accident in Mission Hill. Joyce: He doesn’t seem very nice. Lance: He enjoys picking on me… (Thinks of a prank; turns around and leans on the desk) Joyce: The driver is just down the street if you want to wait. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: Do you have any lovebirds? Joyce: We don’t, but I can order them for you. Lance: That would be perfect. Joyce: When would you like them? Lance: Immediately Joyce: I can have them here by tomorrow morning. Lance: That would be perfect. (Smiles in a sinister way as he watches Keith walk down the street) [Scene fades transitions into next] Scene two: Lance parks in front of Keith’s apartment. He turns on his hazard lights and exits the vehicle with the lovebirds. He looks at the name registry on the side of the door and walks in. A man walking behind him notices Lance with the lovebirds but doesn’t engage in any kind of conversation. The elevator opens and Lance walks off first before the man leaves. Lance walks to Keith’s door and sits the lovebirds in front of his door with a letter on top. Man: (Stares at Lance) Excuse me sir, is that for Keith? Lance: (Turns around abruptly) Yes Man: He won’t be in… Lance: I know I was just going to leave it. [Scene cont. next page] Man: I mean he won’t be back until next Tuesday. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Sighs) Next Tuesday? Where did he go? Man: Bodega Bay, he usually goes every weekend. Lance: (Sounds confused) Bodega Bay, where is that exactly? Man: Its sixty-miles north of here. Lance: Sixty miles… Man: It’s an hour and a half by freeway and two hours by the coastal parkway. Lance: (Feeling very upset at his decision) Man: I would look after them myself but I will also be out of town as well. Lance: (Speaks in a sadden tone of voice) Thanks Man: Have a nice weekend. Lance: You as well… Man: (Opens the door to his apartment and exits from hallway scene.) [Dissolves] Scene three: Lance is driving down the highway. The weather had changed from cloudy to stormy and windy. Lance has his windshield wipers on the highest setting and driving with both has as he drives through the storm. The camera moves over to the lovebirds which are cuddled up under each other scared because the storm is scaring them.) [Lance parks in front of the post office and exits the car. He walks up to the post office and walks inside to see the clerk standing behind the desk looking at his cell phone.] Lance: (Walks approaches the counter) Good morning Clerk: Morning (Continues looking down at his cell phone) Lance: (Taken back by the rudeness of the clerk) I was wondering if you could help me. Clerk: I’ll try my best. (Doesn’t look away from cell phone) Lance: Do you know a man named Keith Sanchez? Clerk: Yes I do. (Continues flipping through cell phone) Lance: (Starts to get annoyed by clerk being on cell phone) Where does he live? Clerk: Right here in Bodega Bay. Lance: Yes, but where? [Scene cont. next page] Clerk: (Looks up at Lance) A tiny blue house on the corner of Bodega and Taylor, you can’t miss it. Lance: Thanks (Walks away from counter) Clerk: (Continues texting on his cell phone) [Scene transitions to outside post office; Lance gets back in his car and drives away. Scene dissolves to Lance arriving outside of Keith’s Mother’s House. Lance looks down at the lovebirds then exits the car; walks to the passenger side of the car and grabs the lovebirds. Walks up the stairs feeling anxious about what he is about to do and rings the doorbell.] Keith: (Opens the door and is surprised to see Lance.) What brings you all the way up here? Lance: (Holds up the lovebirds) Keith: (Looks stunned about Lance having the lovebirds.) I… you brought those for me? Lance: (Smirks) You were looking for them weren’t you? Keith: (Continues to feel shocked) Yeah, they’re for my brother Kenny. He’s been going on and on about how he wants lovebirds. I’ve been to nearly every pet store in the area. I was just going to buy him a video game and call it a day. Lance: Well, now he has lovebirds. Keith: (Takes the cage from Lance) I really don’t know what to say here, thank-you so much. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Feeling guilty) Well, I was doing this out of spite. However, just think of it as a gift to your brother Kenny. Keith: I wish there was a way I could repay you. (Pauses) How about coming over for tonight dinner? Lance: I don’t want to intrude. Keith: I won’t have any of that. I’ll let my mom know you’re coming and you’ll get the chance to meet Kenny. I’ll pick you up, where are you staying? Lance: (Hesitates) I’m staying with Piotr. Keith: You know Piotr? Lance: Yes, we went to college together. Keith: Okay, well I can pick you up from Piotr’s. Lance: I can find my own way thank you very much. Keith: Dinner is at 7pm, we’ll be waiting. Lance: (Smirks then turns around and cautiously walks down the stairs.) Keith: (Watches Lance drive away and then walks into the house and closes the door behind him.) [Dissolve] Scene four: Lance arrives at Piotr’s House and slowly becomes unsure if he should even be there. Piotr and Lance haven’t spoken in a few years since their college days. Lance knows that Piotr and Keith used to date a while back and is unsure of how Piotr would feel about him being there to see Keith. Lance: (Exits his car and walks onto the front porch. He glances at his reflection in the door and rings the doorbell.) Piotr: (Hears the doorbell from the backyard) Yes, who is it? Lance: (Unsure if he should say his name or not) Me Piotr: Who’s me? (Exits the backyard and walks towards the front porch.) Lance: (Looks over the side railing) Hi! Piotr: (Slightly taken back at the sight of Lance) Lance, what are you doing up here? Lance: I thought it was a lovely day for a drive. Piotr: (Looks up at the cloudy gloomy sky) Sure if you like this type of weather. (Slowly walks up the front porch and leans on the side railing near the stairs.) Lance: (Pauses awkwardly) Piotr: You came up here to see Keith? [Scene cont. next page] Lance: Something like that. Piotr: (Pulls out his cigarettes and signals to Lance if he’d like one) Lance: (Nods and grabs a cigarette and lights it) Piotr: (Lights his cigarette and takes a huff.) I’ve been craving this for twenty minutes now. I just can’t seem to talk myself into stopping. The tilling of the soil can get quite addicting. It’s not like I have anything better to do anyway. We have nothing but spare time here in Bodega Bay. Lance: It is a lovely garden. Piotr: Thanks… Lance: The reason I stopped by is because I was hoping you’d do me a favor. Piotr: Okay… Lance: I was trying to be spiteful and bring Keith lovebirds because he claimed that was what he was looking for. It turned out to be for his brother and he’s invited me for dinner. I told him I was staying with you for the weekend. Piotr: (Chuckles sarcastically) So you’re trying to prove you’re not lying to Keith? Lance: Something like that. Piotr: I was hoping to rent that room for longer than a few nights. Lance: I’ll pay you for it. [Scene cont. next page] Piotr: Well, alright. Do you need help with your luggage? Lance: (Holds up his brown paper bag) My luggage Piotr: (Chuckles) It’s smart to pack light. Lance: I’m only staying for a few days. Piotr: I know… (Notices the flashing lights coming from across the bay) There’s always something going on over there. Lance: (Turns around to see the lights flashing) Where’s those lights coming from? Piotr: The military base that’s across the bay. I’ll show you to your room. Lance: (He glances at the bay area before following Piotr inside of the house.) [Dissolve] Scene five: Lance arrives at Keith’s Mom’s House with a small bottle of wine in his hand. He stands on the porch but notices Keith, Keith’s Mom and Kenny walking from across the street.  Kenny notices Lance and runs up to him. Kenny: (Sounding very enthusiastic) Hi are you Lance? Lance: Yes I am [Scene cont. next page] Kenny: (Hugs Lance abruptly) Thank you for the lovebird. It’s exactly what I wanted. Lance: You’re quite welcome. Keith: How was your drive in? Lance: It was smooth. I wish San Francisco was less congested like this. Keith: This is why I’m always up here. It’s a nice little break from the city life. Mom: I hope you like lasagna. [Scene transitions to Lance playing piano; Kenny walks over to the piano to talk to Lance. Keith is assisting his mom clean up dishes and putting away food in the kitchen.] Kenny: Do you know if the lovebirds are a boy and a girl? Lance: My friend from the pet store told me both of the birds are boys. Kenny: That’s even better. I think girls are icky. Lance: (Chuckles) Your mom is a girl. Kenny: I know but she’s my mom. Lance: (Continues playing the piano) Kenny: Where did you learn to play piano? [Scene cont. next page] Lance: I learned from my mother. She loves the piano and wanted me to inherit her talents. Kenny: Tomorrow my mom is throwing me a birthday party; all the kids from my class will be there. Are you coming? Lance: I don’t know. I have to get back to San Francisco. Kenny: Please say you’ll come. It will be lots of fun. My uncle is a DJ he has a really cool playlist. Lance: I’m sorry but I’m not going to be able to make it. [Kitchen scene, Keith is talking to his mom about Lance and what she really thinks of him. She is unsure if Keith should talk to him or not.] Mom: (Wiping the plates off) Lance, he seems like such a nice young man. Keith: (Places the plates in the cabinet) I think so as well. Mom: He looks like he has a lot of money. He’s driving a really nice car. Keith: He works as a HR director for his dad’s newspaper. Mom: He was the one that jumped into that fountain naked in Rome? Keith: I think it might have been him. Mom: I don’t know if you want to be with someone that’s wild like that. You’ve got an image to uphold. [Scene cont. next page] Keith: Mom, I think I can handle Lance just fine. Mom: You are the lawyer. (Continues wiping off the plates) [Dissolve] Scene six: Lance is walking to his car with Keith. Keith is concerned about the information that he had heard about Lance from his mom and is ready to confront Lance about the secrecy between them two. Keith: Will you find your back okay? Lance: Yes, I will be okay. Keith: You must really like me? You drove all the way out here to bring me those birds. Lance: I loathe you. You’re an arrogant self-absorbed loser, in fact I wrote it down in a letter. Keith: I saw it. You hope that those lovebirds give me a personality because I seem to be lacking in one. Lance: (Smirks sarcastically) Exactly! Keith: I really do hope to see you again. Maybe we can go swimming. (Smirks) Mother tells me you sure do love to swim. Lance: How does your ‘mother’ know what I like to do? Keith: I guess we read the same gossip column. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Sighs in dismay) Rome… Keith: I love to swim also. Maybe we’ll get along… Lance: (Interrupts) Just for your information I was pushed into that fountain. Keith: And all of your clothes just happened to fly off in the process? Lance: All of my clothes stayed on! This guy I dated wrote that article. He slandered my name! I’ve been repairing it ever since. Keith: You honestly expect me to believe that? Lance: Oh, I don’t give a damn what you believe! (Turns on the engine to his car) Keith: I really do want to see want to see you again. Lance: (Becoming more upset) Why? Keith: I don’t know. It might be fun. Lance: It might be ‘fun’ for you now; but it sure in hell isn’t ‘fun’ for me! Keith: What do you want? Lance: I thought you knew? I want to go through life jumping into fountains naked, goodnight! (Speeds off in his car really quickly) [Scene cont. next page] Keith: (Stands there smiling as he watches Lance drive off. He notices the birds are acting strange and a strange flash of lights forming in the clouds. He quickly walks back into the house.) [Dissolve] Scene seven: Lance walks into the house to see Piotr sitting on the sofa having a drink and watching TV. Lance sits down on the sofa feeling bummed out about the argument he had with Keith earlier. The atmosphere was laidback until Lance’s arrival, which changes due to Lance being upset. Piotr: (Smirks knowing the dinner party didn’t go well.) How was dinner? Lance: (Doesn’t say anything. Continues looking upset.) Piotr: (Understanding the hint that Lance is upset.) Or should I change the subject? Lance: Yes, please. Piotr: I’m sorry, would you like a drink? Lance: I’ll take Brandy if you’ve got it. Piotr: (Grabs a glass and pours Lance a drink then hands it to him.) Lance: Thanks… Piotr: (Sits back down) What do you think of our little town? Lance: I despise it. [Scene cont. next page] Piotr: (Chuckles) Well there really isn’t much up here to the casual visitor; unless you find a couple shacks on a hillside appealing. Lance: (Becomes curious of Piotr’s motives) What brings you up here? Piotr: I think I’ll have one of those. (Gets up and pours himself a drink. There’s a slight awkward pause then he sits back down and takes a sip.) Lance: I’m sorry, if it’s a touchy subject… Piotr: (Interrupts) I shouldn’t be coy about it. But, you already know that it was because of Keith. Lance: Where did you meet him? Piotr: San Francisco, I used to see a lot of him. One day he decided why not bring me up here to meet his mother Guadalupe; was she present at dinner? Lance: Yes Piotr: Did she seem a tad distant? Lance: Yes she did. Piotr: She didn’t say a word to me the whole time at dinner. I spent so much time trying to wrack my brain as to why she didn’t like me. Lance: Did you ever find out why? [Scene cont. next page] Piotr: It actually turned out that she liked me which is the crazy part. We’re actually really good friends now that I’m no longer a threat. Lance: Why did she feel threatened by you? Piotr: She was afraid I’d give Keith the one thing she could give, ‘love’. Lance: That adds up to a jealous and possessive woman. Piotr: Wrong. With all due respect to Oedipus, I don't think that was the case at all. Lance: Doesn’t Keith have a say in it? Piotr: He had already been through a lot with her after his dad passed away. I guess he didn’t want to risk going through it all over again. Lance: But what brought you here to Bodega Bay? Piotr: (Chuckles) You sure get straight to the point. Lance: I’m sorry Piotr: I was bored with my job in San Francisco. The students were just like their parents, completely full of themselves. I moved up here to get a change of pace and spare my sanity. The students up here are eager and hungry to learn, they ask me to give them all that I have to offer. I march in that classroom Monday through Friday willing to give them all that I have to offer. The second reason, well you already know is because of Keith. You see, I still like him a hell of a lot but I could never trek down that road we did before. Lance: (Takes a sip of his Brandy) [Scene cont. next page] Piotr: (Notices his phone ringing and answers it.) Hello Keith… no I wasn’t sleeping. Yes he just walked in now. Hold on a second. Keith wants to speak to you. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: Hello Keith… yes I just followed the road back. No, I don’t want to make Kenny upset but I do have to get back to San Francisco… I guess I can stay one more day. Okay, goodnight. (Hangs up the phone and hands it back to Piotr.) Piotr: Would you like some more? Lance: Yes… Piotr: (Grabs Lance’s glass and his and pours more Brandy.) {Lance and Piotr hear a loud noise coming from outside.} Lance: (Stands up) Piotr: What the hell is that? (Opens the front door to see military vehicles driving through the area.) Lance: What’s going on? Piotr: I have no clue but it’s a bit strange they’re driving through this area. They usually take the back roads. Lance: (Stares at Piotr in consternation.) [Dissolve] Scene eight: It’s a beautiful day outside. The kids are running around in the backyard playing tag. The DJ is playing a house mix for the kids. Piotr is sitting at a picnic bench with Keith’s Mom (Guadalupe) and a few other parents. Lance and Keith are walk off along the side of the house to drink and chat. Piotr stares at Lance and Keith with jealousy in his heart. Keith: (Pours more Crown Royal into Lance’s cup) Lance: You know I’ve got to drive back home. (Smiles at Keith as he pours himself a drink also; Lance realizes that the both of them are getting a little tipsy at a kid’s birthday party.) Keith: I’m trying to get you to stay for dinner. We’ve got plenty of lasagna leftover. (Taps his glass with Lance’s and takes a sip) I want to apologize for my actions last night. It was very unfair of me to throw out such harsh judgements when I don’t even know you. I do know that I’ve grown fond of you and I don’t know how to express it. Lance: You just did. Keith: (Gives Lance the googly eyes then slowly kisses Lance) Lance: (Taken back by the kiss) Keith: You don’t feel the same about me. Lance: I do… I just wasn’t expecting all this. Keith: I know but it feels right. (Places his drink to the side, grabs Lance’s drink and places it to the side. Then romantically embraces Lance in a hug.) [Scene slowly moves from the side of the garage to where the kids are still playing. Piotr is having a smoke with Guadalupe and the DJ is playing upbeat music to match the mood of the party.] [Scene cont. next page] Piotr: The weather has been quite strange the past few days. Guadalupe: Some could say that we are living in ‘The Last Days’. Piotr: I don’t believe in that biblical nonsense. Guadalupe: The signs are practically all around us. (Takes a huff of her cigarette) Kenny: (Runs up to Guadalupe) Mom, can you tie this back on for me? Guadalupe: Sure (Places her cigarette down and begins tying Kenny’s mascot) [The scene slowly looks goes upward towards the sky. A flock of birds that were flying over fall to the ground raining over everyone in the backyard. Sounds of horror fill the backyard. Scene moves to where Lance and Keith are. They both quickly run from the side of the garage to the backyard to see it filled with dead birds.] Keith: Take all the children inside. [The parents grab their kids and run inside of the house. There’s a sense of panic and fear that overtakes the happy and joyous atmosphere.] Lance: What do you think happened to them? Keith: (Looks up at the sky) I don’t know. It’s a bit strange that this happened. (Looks over to see the kids still upset about what happened) Piotr: (Walks over to Lance) This is incident number two. [Scene cont. next page] Keith: What was incident number one? Lance: We saw the military driving heavy machinery vehicles through the neighborhood. Keith: Do you have to leave for San Francisco tonight? Lance: I was going to stay with Piotr for the night. Piotr: Yes, I think it would be for the best. Keith: (Looks up to the sky again to see if he spots a plane or any type of aircraft.) [Dissolve] Scene nine: Lance is sitting on the sofa eating lasagna with Keith, Kenny and Guadalupe. The tension of the room is slightly high because Guadalupe wants Lance to leave and Keith wants Lance to stay over due to the events that took place earlier. Kenny: Is it okay if I bring the lovebirds in here? Guadalupe: No, let them clam down. They’ve been in ‘freak out’ mode since the incident earlier. Lance: (Continues eating his lasagna) Keith: (Looks at Lance) How are you feeling? Lance: I feel a tad bit tired. Keith: It’s been a long day. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: It certainly has been. Guadalupe: I know you want to get going soon. San Francisco is a long drive from here. Kenny: I think he should stay here for the night. Lance: I’ll be staying with Piotr for the night. Keith: Are you sure you’ll be okay to drive back? Lance: Yeah, I’ll be fine. I should be going though. Keith: (Stands up) I’ll walk you to your car. Guadalupe: It was nice seeing you again Lance. Lance: Likewise Guadalupe: (Sits in her seat glaring at the door angrily) [Scene moves outside to where Keith and Lance are cuddled up beside Lance’s car.] Keith: Let me know when you make it to Piotr’s place. Lance: I will text you. Keith: You sure you don’t want to stay over? Lance: Not with the evil looks your mom has been giving me. [Scene cont. next page] Keith: She’s a little rough on the edges but she’ll warm up once she knows you. Lance: (Looks up to the see lightning flashing heavily) I better get going. Keith: (Kisses Lance then opens the car door for him) Goodnight Lance: Goodnight (Kisses Keith again) Keith: (Closes the door and Lance drives off. He stands there looking at Lance drive away smiling) [Scene moves towards Guadalupe peeking from the window at Keith; she becomes more upset that Keith is falling for Lance and she can’t stop him.] [Dissolve] Scene ten: Lance walks into the house to see Piotr sitting on the sofa with a martini and a cigarette in his hand. The atmosphere in the house is laid back despite the extremely volatile conditions of the weather outside. Piotr: Lance is that you? Lance: Yes (Hesitates) Do you mind if I pour myself some Brandy? Piotr: Have at it. I’ve got plenty in the cellar. Lance: (Pours a glass of Brandy and sits on the loveseat.) I’ve heard the song ‘It’s raining men’ but never in my life would I ever think that it would be raining birds. [Scene cont. next page] Piotr: The military is doing some kind of experiments that’s having negative effects on the weather. Lance: What do you mean? Piotr: It just seems like a silly conspiracy theory. The military base across the bay is conducting experiments to try and create a parallel between this universe and another. Lance: I’m not into the whole ‘conspiracy theories’ nonsense. They all seem a tad insane in my opinion. Piotr: How did you feel about being there with Keith? Lance: Well, we sort of made out on the side of the garage. Piotr: (Conceals his jealousy well) How fitting? You’ve brought lovebirds and now you and Keith are slowly becoming ones. Lance: I wouldn’t say that we are ‘in love’ but I do have feelings for him. I just don’t know how I should go about expressing them. Piotr: (Finishes the rest of his martini) How long are you planning to stay up here? (Starts making himself another Martini) Lance: I can go to a hotel if I’m becoming annoying. Piotr: No, that’s not the reason at all. I’m merely asking so I’d know when to put the ‘room for rent’ sign back up. You can stay as long as you need to. I like having the company. Lance: Can I ask you a question? Piotr: Sure [Scene cont. next page] Lance: How did Keith’s Father pass away? Piotr: He was decapitated. Lance: (Slightly shocked and horrified about what he’s heard.) Ooh Piotr: The killer is still out there somewhere. Kenny was the one who found him. It’s been very rocky for that kid. I love how strong he’s been through out it all. Lance: (Notices the lightning outside becomes more and more violent) Piotr: Nothing lasts forever I supposed. The way we are fucking up this planet is evident in the weather. [The electricity in the house suddenly goes out and the backup generator fails. Piotr and Lance use the flashlight from their phones.] Piotr: I have a few lanterns in the closet. (Grabs the lanterns and turns one on.) We can use this one to carry to the bathroom and back. [The lightning flashes lights up the whole room and thunder roars loudly.] Lance: (Sees a glowing pair of red eyes in the window looking in; Lance screams which startles Piotr.) Piotr: What’s wrong? Lance: I thought I saw something outside. Piotr: Okay, no more Brandy for you. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (In a very serious tone) I know what I saw! Piotr: I’m was just joking. (Immediately recognizes that Lance is serious. Flashes the light outside but doesn’t see anything. Turns the flashlight to the left and something zips past very fast. Turns off the flight and lantern.) Whatever is out there knows we are in here. Lance: Did you lock the front door? Piotr: (Looks as the tensions begin to rise in the room) No Lance: (Whispers angrily) Why wouldn’t you lock the door!? Piotr: It’s Bodega Bay, everyone leaves their doors open. [Doorbell rings and it startles Piotr and Lance.] Lance: Who could it be at this hour? Piotr: (Slowly walks over to the door. He puts the latch onto the door and opens it slowly to see mysterious looking man.) Can I help you? Man: Hi, I’m from the census bureau and we are updating our records. Do you mind if I come in and ask you a few questions? Piotr: (Gives Lance a concerning look; points to the back door and signals to lock it.) Do you know what time it is? Man: We understand that it’s late, but we are working throughout the night to update our records. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Quietly walks to the back door and makes sure it’s locked. But as he does a man appears and startles Lance.) [Scene moves back towards the front where Piotr is talking to the mysterious looking man.] Piotr: I’m sorry but this isn’t an appropriate time. (Turns around to see where Lance is) Man: (Sticks arm in door and tries to remove the lock) Piotr: (Turns around and sees the man trying to unlock the door. Piotr runs up to the door and shoves the door onto the man’s arm.) Man: (Screams in pain but continues trying to unlock the door) Piotr: (Grabs a pair of scissors and stabs the man’s hand.) Man: (Pulls his arm away holding his hand in pain. He looks deep into Piotr’s eyes then walks away.) Piotr: (Locks the door. Takes a deep breath and looks around the room then cautiously walks towards the kitchen area to see Lance curled in a corner hiding with a knife in his hand.) Lance: (Looks up at Piotr) The man said he was from the MIB and had a few questions. I told him that I have no answers for him. He gave me this bone chilling look. His eyes changed colors, like he was not from this world. Piotr: (Sits down next to Lance; places the scissors next to his leg. The scissors has green blood on them.) [Dissolve] Scene eleven: The next morning Guadalupe drives over to her good friend Manuel to see how he is doing. Manuel lives alone and always provides fresh eggs for Guadalupe and her family. However, this particular morning Manuel hasn’t been by to drop off any eggs which has caused much worry from Guadalupe. Guadalupe: (Pulls into the driveway and exits her pick-up) Good morning Jorge. [Buenos días Jorge.] Jorge: (Looks up from under the hood of the truck) Good morning Mrs. Sanchez. [Buenos días señora Sanchez.] Guadalupe: Have you seen Manuel? He hasn’t stopped by this morning. [¿Has visto a Manuel? No ha venido esta mañana.] Jorge: He’s still sleeping. I guess the storm must’ve kept him up late last night. [Sigue durmiendo. Supongo que la tormenta lo habrá mantenido hasta tarde anoche.] Guadalupe: I’m going to go check on him and see how he’s doing. [Voy a ir a ver cómo está.] (Quickly walks to the front door.) Jorge: Sure Mrs. Sanchez. [Claro, señora Sánchez.) (Continues repairing the pickup truck) Guadalupe: (Knocks on the door and puts her ear to the door but hears nothing. Opens her purse and reaches for the key. Opens the door and cautiously walks inside of the house and closes the door behind her.) Jorge: (Stands back up and looks at the house with a blank and emotionless look on his face. He looks back down and continues repairing the truck.) [Scene cont. next page] Guadalupe: Manuel, you haven’t been over this morning. I’m getting a little worried that something might have happened. [Manuel, no has pasado esta mañana. Me preocupa un poco que algo haya sucedido.] (Waits for a response from Manuel but no reply. Starts becoming more worried as she starts walking slowly through the living room into his bedroom. She looks at the bedroom door to see that’s been slightly opened.) Manuel you’re starting to scare me. [Manuel estás empezando a asustarme.] [Camera moves to where Manuel’s body is sitting on the floor. He has been decapitated and there’s blood all over the bedroom floor carpet.] Guadalupe: (Turns around and runs out of the house as fast as she can. She bursts through the front door and startles Jorge.) Jorge: (Stops what he is doing and sprints over to Guadalupe) Is everything okay Mrs. Sanchez? [¿está todo bien, señora Sánchez?] Guadalupe: (Trying to regain her composure) Please, call the police! [Por favor, llame a la policía.] Jorge: (Looks confused at Guadalupe) What? (qué) Guadalupe: I said call the fucking police! [¡dije que llames a la maldita policía!] Jorge: (Pulls out his phone and dials 9-1-1) Guadalupe: (Tries to hold her composure together after seeing what she saw.) [Dissolve] Scene twelve: Lance is sitting in a local diner with Keith. The atmosphere in the diner for the most part is pretty upbeat and everyone is enjoying their meals despite the awful weather from the previous night. Keith is worried about the news that Lance has revealed to him about the previous night. Keith: I can’t believe someone tried to break into Piotr’s House last night. We’ve never had anything like that happen here. Lance: The guy said he was from the government and he was conducting census on the neighborhood. Keith: Nothing wrong with that. Lance: He showed up at midnight. Keith: Okay, that’s really strange. (Holds Lance’s hand) Lance: Piotr told him that he should come back at a more appropriate time. The guy tried to force his way into the house. There was another man at the backdoor. He gave me the most cold and emotionless look. It was like he wasn’t from this world. Keith: How soon are you leaving for San Francisco? Lance: I can’t leave anytime soon. The roads have all been closed going back due to the storms. The news is saying another batch of storms is heading this way and could cause more damage. Keith: Have you talked to your dad? Lance: Yeah, he’s letting me have a few more days off. [Scene cont. next page] Keith: I’m enjoying the time we are spending together. I just wish the circumstances were differ. (Looks down to see a call from his mom) Hello… yes I’m eating breakfast with Lance. What’s wrong? What’s going on… okay I’ll be there as quickly as I can. (Hangs up the phone) There’s been an incident I need to get home. Can you do me a huge favor and pickup Kenny from school? My mom wants him home. Lance: Sure Keith: (Hands Lance his credit card.) Here pay for the meal. I’ll grab it from you later. Lance: Please be careful. Keith: I will baby. I will. (Kisses Lance then sprints out of the store.) Lance: (Continues drinking his coffee and becoming more nervous of what’s going to happen next.) [Dissolve] Scene thirteen: Lance pulls up in his car in front of the school to pick-up Kenny from school for Guadalupe. When he gets out of the car he immediately hears the kids singing a whimsical song. Kids: I married a wife in the month of June, Risselty rosselty, now now now, I carried her off by the light of the moon, Risselty rosselty, hey bombosity, nickety nackety, Retrical quality, willaby wallaby now now now. She combed her hair but once a year, Risselty rosselty, now now now, With every rake she gave a tear, Risselty rosselty, hey bombosity, nickety nackety, Retrical quality, willaby wallaby now now now. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Walks in while the kids are singing and signals to Piotr that he’s there to pick up Kenny.) Piotr: (Signals back that they will be wrapping up soon.) Piotr: (Continues gesturing for the kids to sing.) Kids: She swept the floor but once a year, Risselty rosselty, now now now, She swore her broom was much too dear, Risselty rosselty, hey bombosity, nickety nackety, Retrical quality, willaby wallaby now now now. [Lance exits the schoolhouse and walks outside. The kids singing can still be heard outside. Lance sits down on a bench pulls out a cigarette and begins smoking. He turns around to see if they are still singing and then turns back around. Slightly zips up his jacket and crosses his arm with the cigarette in another hand.] Kids: She churned the butter in dad’s old boot, Risselty rosselty, now now now, And for a dasher she uses her foot, Risselty rosselty, hey bombosity, nickety nackety, Retrical quality, willaby wallaby now now now. [Lance is starting to become slightly impatient and annoyed with the song the kids are singing. He takes another huff of his cigarette and notices a large flock of birds flying towards the schoolhouse. He looks at them as they fly quickly and land in the school yard. He looks over at the schoolhouse and realizes that something is odd. One of the crows flies into the side of the window but the sound isn’t audible from inside. Lance gets up and sprints towards the schoolhouse.] The butter came out a grizzledy gray, Risselty rosselty, now now now, The cheese took legs and ran away, Risselty rosselty, hey bombosity, nickety nackety, Retrical quality, willaby wallaby now now now. [The kids finish singing their song.] [Scene cont. next page] Piotr: (Opens the door) We won’t go to recess unless everyone quiets down and puts all their books away. Everyone grab a jacket because it is a little chilly outside. [The kids in the class are putting their books away and standing up ready for recess.] Lance: (Sprints into the classroom and towards Piotr) Close that door quickly. Piotr: What? Lance: Please trust me on this one. Piotr: (Closes the doors) What’s wrong? Lance: Look (Shows Piotr the crows outside the window) Piotr: (Whispers) So, it’s a lot of birds on the playground. Lance: Those birds are trying to get in here and harm the children. We’ve got to get them out of here. Piotr: (Looks at the kids then walks in front. Claps his hands) Quiet everyone. Now I want you all to listen very carefully. We are going to show Mr. Collins how we proceed with a fire drill. Kids: Fire drill? Piotr: We are about to leave school. [Scene cont. next page] Kids: Leave school! Piotr: I want all kids that live on this block to run straight home. Everyone else run straight to the diner, do you understand? Kids: Yes Piotr: (Signals for Lance to follow them as they exit the classroom.) [Soon as they kids get outside of the school. Everyone begins running as fast as they can. The camera turns behind the kids to show the birds swarming from the playground and over the heads of everyone trying to get away. The school children begin screaming as they crows try to attack them. The kids are pushing the crows away. Lance and Piotr are trying to do their best to make sure the kids make it safely.] Edwardo: (Falls to the ground and his glasses breaks) Kenny!! [Lance and Kenny both turn around to aid Edwardo. They find an open cargo van and jump inside. Lance rolls the window up manually but realizes he doesn’t have the key. Lance honks the horn as the crows begin to slowly retreat. Lance puts his head on the steering wheel while Kenny tries to calm his friend Edwardo down.] Scene fourteen: Lance is at the diner feeling completely flustered and trying to get his composure as he tries to explain to his dad what is going on. His cell phone has no signal and he can’t get hold of Keith. The atmosphere inside of the diner is tense when they hear the things that Lance is telling his dad. Lance: I’m trying to explain it to you as calmly as I can… yes the birds came out of nowhere and attacked us. Yes one kid was injured but nothing severe. No dad the kids weren’t taunting the birds. We got the kids out of the school because the birds were trying to break through the windows… it would’ve been far worse if we kept the kids inside. I just know I won’t be home anytime soon. The roads leaving the area are all closed and the weather is starting to look like its going to get bad again. I love you too bye. (Hangs up the diner phone) [Scene cont. next page]  [The tension in the diner becomes even higher as people are scared about the story they’ve just heard from Lance.] Craig: (Owner of the diner) My son just sent me this video clip. (Shows them running from the crows) Lance: (Closes his eyes) Please turn that off. Craig: (Turns off the clip) Sorry. (Puts his phone away) I don’t understand what’s going on here. Those birds swarmed down to attack; this has never happened here, ever. Lance: I don’t know what’s going on here. But I’ve got to get out of here. Keith: (Runs inside of the diner; Notices Lance by the counter and hugs him.) Babe, I got your message. I couldn’t reply or call, for some reason I have no signal. Lance: I went to go pick-up Kenny from school and we were attacked by some crows. It was hundreds of them. They attacked us! Keith: Are you okay? Is Kenny okay? What the fuck is going on! Craig: (Signals to Keith to watch his language) There are kids in here Keith. Keith: Sorry, I just came from Manuel’s Place. Someone murdered him last night. Craig: Are you serious! Who would want to harm him? He’d give the shirt off his own back. (Tries to hold back the tears) [Scene cont. next page] Keith: My mom is being called in for questioning. I need to be there with her. Do you mind babysitting Kenny for a few hours? Lance: Yeah, I have to walk back to the school and get my car. Keith: I’ll call you as soon as I’m done with my mom. (Kisses Lance on his forehead and sprints out of the diner) Lance: (Sits there feeling flustered about everything that is happening.) [Dissolve] Scene fifteen: Lance is walking down the street constantly checking his surroundings. He notices the crows from the school are still lurking around at the schoolhouse. Lance quietly tiptoes to his car and sits inside quickly. Turns on the engine and drives off quickly. Lance arrives at Piotr’s house and parks in the driveway. Lance quickly exits the car and cautiously walks into the house. Lance: (Walks to the cupboard and opens, pulls out the Brandy and a glass ready to pour a drink. Closes the cupboard and notices Piotr’s body on the floor and slowly walks into the kitchen. Looks down at the floor to see Piotr’s has been decapitated. The sight of the decapitation causes Lance to scream in horror and he hits the wall with his back. The room slowly starts spinning as he tries to walk away from the kitchen.) [The closet door slowly opens and Lance stops in horror.] Kenny: (Peaks from the side of the door) Lance is that you? (Sounding scared out of his mind) Lance: Yes it’s me Kenny. Kenny: (Sprints out of the closet and hugs Lance tightly.) Someone broke into the house. Piotr told me to go into the closet and lock the door. I heard Piotr scream and then I heard nothing else after that. (Tries to hold in his tears) [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Whispers to Kenny) Let’s get out of here. (Slowly exits the house and sits in the car; pulls his phone out to call the police.) [Dissolve] Scene sixteen: Lance is standing outside with Kenny and the police. Keith arrives with his mom and Kenny runs to hug his mom. Keith sprints over to where Lance and the police officer is standing and becomes more uneasy about what’s going on. Keith: What’s going on? (Sees them pulling out a body on the stretcher and instantly becomes sadden.) Piotr… Lance: (Watches them pull the Piotr’s Body into the ambulance and drive off) [FBI shows up to the scene. And the tension becomes even higher.] FBI: We’re taking over here. (Shows badge) Police officer: What’s going on here? FBI: We don’t have to oblige to any questioning. Just know that we are closing this off for investigation. [Everyone walks off the property as FBI barricades the premise.] Lance: (Stares at the FBI Agent and recognizes the his face. Has a flashback of how the FBI Agent gave him an evil look.) Keith: (Notices Lance staring at FBI Agent) What’s wrong babe? [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Whispers) I’ll tell you later. [Dissolve] Scene sixteen: Lance is at his hotel room pacing the floor talking to his best friend Fred on the phone. He’s trying to figure out a way to get out of Bodega Bay until Fred reveals what’s going on in San Francisco and why he should stay put where he is. Lance: (Looks around on his phone and decides to Google search Bodega Bay murders. Lance scrolls through options and comes across a page that talks about mysterious murders in Bodega Bay. Begins reading through the article to find several people have been visited by strange men who are going around murdering individuals for no reason then clicks off page.) That makes no sense. Why were these people targeted? (Clears search bar and decides to types in mysteries in Bodega Bay. Notices a website with secret cults of Bodega Bay, opens it and sees a picture with Fred and Manuel in it. Scrolls down the page and sees a photo of Guadalupe and her husband German. Clicks the photo to see that it takes him to a page which talks about a military base across the bay that’s trying to create a parallel between two dimensions, closes the page on his phone and jumps when he hears a knock at his door; Lance quickly puts his phone down and sprints to the door and opens it.) Keith: (Keith is standing at the door with a huge grin on his face, holding pizza and beer in his hands.) I thought you could use some company. Lance: (Smirks) Here let me grab this for you. (Grabs the beer from Keith and holds the door for him as he walks in, closes the door behind him.) How is Kenny doing? Keith: (Walks over to the counter and places the pizza on top.) He’s still a little shaken up. My mom is taking it pretty hard as well. Lance: A lot has happened in the last few days. Keith: How are you feeling? [Scene cont. next page] Lance: I don’t even know any more at this point. I’ve been attacked by the MIB. I witnessed a bunch of birds attack some school children. My best friend Piotr was murdered and now there’s a sinkhole on the one road that I can use to get out of this town. (Sits down feeling flustered) Keith: I know one thing that will cheer you up. (Sits next to Lance and starts to kiss on his neck) Lance: (Slowly embraces Keith) Keith: (Slowly begins to make out with Lance.) Lance: (Feels a slight tremor) Did you feel that? Keith: It’s probably nothing babe. (Begins to passionately make out with Lance) [The whole hotel room begins to shake violently from an earthquake.] Lance: (Dives under the table with Keith) Keith: (Holds Lance while he’s panicking about the earthquake.) (Scene transitions to outside the hotel where patrons and hotel workers are checking on the guests; the firefighters and ambulance workers are tending to injured guests. Lance is standing outside while Keith is talking to the police and hotel manager. Lance notices that Keith waves a weird hand gesture and quickly walks back to where he is standing.) Keith: The manager is going to bump you up to a nicer room for free. Lance: Why am I still in this town? [Scene cont. next page] Keith: What’s wrong? Lance: I’ve witnessed so much in one week that – (Tries to hold in his tears) Keith: (Embraces Lance) Lance: I don’t know. (Puts his head on Keith’s shoulder) Keith: (Kisses Lance on the forehead) [Dissolve] Scene seventeen: Lance is sitting on the sofa reading a book while Kenny is looking at his tablet. The atmosphere in the room is laid back but Kenny is quite eager to reveal secrets that he’s learned from his mother to Lance. Kenny: (Sits next to Lance but doesn’t say anything.) Lance: (Begins to sense Kenny’s body language and question his actions.) What’s wrong? Kenny: Do you believe in the illuminati? Lance: (Puts his book down) Why did you ask that question? Kenny: You can’t answer a question with a question. Lance: (Stunned by Kenny’s question) No, I don’t believe in that. [Scene cont. next page] Kenny: Well you should. Lance: You’re starting to scare me. What is this all about? Kenny: (Stands up and looks out the window) Lance: Are you going to answer me? Kenny: (Turns around and looks at Lance with a tearful look on his face.) I did something I wasn’t supposed to. Lance: What did you do? Kenny: One day I was playing with my friends and somehow we overheard a conversation from a military official. They were whispering about a project called ‘Project Yellow. It’s supposed to be a parallel between two universes that’s clashing and somehow they opened the portal which is why the weather has been all weird. Lance: (Stands up and walks to his laptop and pulls up the website he found and shows Kenny.) Kenny: (Looks over the website and enters a code in which opens up a new window and shows current members. He slowly scrolls down the pictures until he stops at Keith’s picture.) Lance: Keith works for the military base? Kenny: He was supposed to work in dad’s place but that never happened. He ended up moving to San Francisco and pursuing his dream of being a lawyer. Lance: Why does he come here every weekend? [Scene cont. next page] Kenny: To make sure mom is safe. He can’t afford to move us out there so he makes the trip every weekend. Piotr was the one looking out for us but… (Tries to hold in his tears) Lance: (Hugs Kenny) Kenny: (Stumbles on his words) All… all I know is that they’re after us. We know too much. Lance: Who is after you? Kenny: It’s not me they want. It’s you they want. Lance: (Hesitates) Who are they? Kenny: ‘They’ are the ones you don’t want to know. Lance: Are we going to play the pronoun game? Or are you going to tell me who ‘they’ are? Kenny: (Wants to say something but Lance’s phone begins to ring.) Lance: (He looks down at his phone to see a call from Keith and answers it.) Hello… yeah I’m coming down with him, bye. (Looks to Kenny who is acting frantic and worried about what he has revealed.) Keith is downstairs with your mom. Kenny: I have to use the washroom. Lance: Okay, make it quick then come downstairs. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Exits the hotel room) Kenny: (Looks in his pocket and pulls out the roof key to the hotel.) [Dissolve] Scene eighteen: Lance walks outside and is greeted by Keith but his mom Guadalupe is still hesitant over the fact that Lance is still in town. The mood seems to be somewhat on edge despite Keith’s eagerness to see Lance. The mood changes when the lack of Kenny becomes evident. Keith: (Hugs Lance) Hey Lance: Hey Guadalupe: Where’s Kenny? Lance: He had to use the washroom. He’s on his way down. Guadalupe: I’ll be in the car. Keith: (Notices the cold shoulder his mom gives to Lance.)  I hope everything is alright with you. Lance: Everything is going okay. I just hope that things have settled down back at home. Keith: What do you mean settled down? Lance: My dad was telling me there were riots in San Francisco. They had to call in the National Guard because things were escalating out of control. (Notices Guadalupe jump out of the car running towards the hotel.) [Scene cont. next page] Guadalupe: Kenny!!! Lance: (Slowly turns around to see Kenny standing on the roof of the hotel.) Keith: Kenny!! (Sprints over to the hotel) Guadalupe: Come down from there you can get hurt. Keith: (Runs inside of the hotel to see everyone standing in front of the door to the roof) Why is everyone standing there? Open the door! Staff: We’re trying to but the door is jammed shut from the inside. Keith: (Tries to break the door open with his shoulder) Guadalupe: Please Kenny, just go back inside. Whatever it is that you did we can talk about it. Lance: (Stares up at Kenny stunned at the situation.) Kenny: (Looks down at Guadalupe) It’s too late mother. (Pulls out a loaded gun and holds it up to his head.) Guadalupe: (Screams loudly) Kenny: 'Deus', quaeso, ignosce mihi, quia peccavi. Munda anima tua, ut ego ambulabit in umbra mortis, sed ut non libera me ad malum. 'Deus' est virtus et gloria nunc et in saecula, amen. ['God' please forgive me for I have sinned. Cleanse thy soul as I shall walk into the shadow of death, but to not deliver me unto evil. For 'God' is the power and the glory now and forever, amen.] (Pulls the trigger and shoots himself in the head.) [Scene cont. next page] {The scene goes silent as Guadalupe stumbles to the ground in complete horror. A crowd of people surround Kenny’s body as it lays lifeless on pavement of the parking lot. Keith runs out of the hotel and sees Kenny dead on the pavement and runs to his mom trying not to breakdown. Lance stands there in complete and utter shock as he doesn’t know what to do or what to say.} Lance: (Begins to run towards his car and opens the door. He sits in quickly and closes the door quickly. Starts the car up and quickly drives away.) Keith: (Notices Lance drive away) Lance: (Quickly drives over the diner and parks in front. Gets out of the car casually and walks inside to see an atmosphere that’s somber and sad. He looks around at the patrons who are all staring at him and notices the weather starting to become cloudy and windy from the window. Sits down at the counter and looks at the bartender.) Can I have Brandy on the rocks please? Bartender: Who are you? Lance: (Looks at the bartender confused.) Bartender: There’s been murder after murder after murder happening here. It all started when you walked into our town. Lance: (Tries his hardest to hold in his tears and his paranoia of the situation that just occurred) Bartender: I think you’re evil! Lance: (Slaps the bartender aggressively) Bartender: (Holds his face as his nose begins to bleed.) Get out of my diner!! [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Looks around teary eyed as everyone turns down their heads at him, then runs out of the diner and into his car. He starts the car up and drives away quickly.) [Dissolve] Scene nineteen: The scene transitions into Lance packing his bags in his hotel room. The atmosphere in the hotel is on edge as Lance shoves the clothes he bought from the general store in the small suitcase that he purchased from the store. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and Lance begins to panic even more because he knows that it’s Keith on the other side of the door. Lance: (Turns around to look at the door but doesn’t move a single inch towards the door.) [Someone continues to knock on the door and Lance continues to ignore.] Lance: (Walks to the door and looks into the peephole to see Keith, then opens the door.) Keith: Can we talk? Lance: I don’t think we have anything to really talk about here. Keith: (Tries to keep himself calm and collected.) Lance: I really just want to go back to San Francisco at this point. Keith: But I fucking need you, my brother is dead! Lance: I know he’s dead. I was there remember! Keith: If you leave it’s over between us. [Scene cont. next page] Lance: I guess it is then. (Tries to walk past Keith but he won’t budge from the doorway.) What are you doing? Keith: I’m not letting you leave. It’s not over until ‘I’ say it’s over. Lance: (Taken back by Keith’s statement) Who the fuck is you to tell me some shit like that? Keith: (Pushes Lance back and slams the hotel door behind him.) Lance: What are you doing? Keith: I do believe I deserve some kind of respect considering I’m the reason you’re still alive! Lance: What are you talking about? (Has a flashback of the conversation he had with Kenny.) {Flashback} Lance: Who is after you? Kenny: It’s not me they want. It’s you they want. Lance: (Hesitates) Who are they? Kenny: ‘They’ are the ones you don’t want to know. {Lance also remembers what he found on Google.} [Scene cont. next page] (Clears search bar and decides to types in mysteries in Bodega Bay. Notices a website with secret cults of Bodega Bay, opens it and sees a picture with Fred and Manuel in it. Scrolls down the page and sees a photo of Guadalupe and her husband German. Clicks the photo to see that it takes him to a page which talks about a military base across the bay that’s trying to create a parallel between two dimensions, closes the page on his phone and jumps when he hears a knock at his door; Lance quickly puts his phone down and sprints to the door and opens it.) {Flashback ends} Lance: (Starts slowly walking towards the window) How did your dad die? Keith: (Taken back by the question) What? Lance: I bet he was decapitated also. Keith: My father died in war. Lance: Did he really? (Pulls out a packet and hurls it at Keith) Keith: (Catches the packet with his hand and looks down at it.) Where did you find this? Lance: I found it in this hotel room. Keith: (Begins reading it and drops the entire folder on the floor in shock and horror. He looks at Lance unsure of what to say.) Lance: I know it was you who killed him. Keith: (Continues not saying anything to Lance) [Scene cont. next page] Keith: He took the coward’s way out, honestly I thought he would’ve been dead sooner. Lance: Why are you saying that? Keith: The funny thing about ‘lovebirds’ is that they can also be mean. Lance: What are you, ‘The Riddler’ now? Keith: You don’t get it at all do you? {Flashback: Starts} Keith: If I were the judge you’d be behind bars. Lance: Well, you’re not the judge or the jury. Keith: I was wondering if you’ve got any lovebirds. {Flashback continues} Keith: (Speaks with much hauteur) I thought you were a lover of the birds? Lance: I am but… Keith: (Interrupts) You shouldn’t have any problems pointing out lovebirds then. Keith: (Smirks at the fact that Lance and Joyce are struggling to catch this bird. The bird lands in the bowl; and Keith catches it with his hat and grabs it quickly and puts it back in his cage.) Back in your glided cage you go Lance Miles. {Flashback fades out and scene fades back in} Lance: (Tries to inch his way away from Keith) Keith: -Back to your gilded cage where you belong, Lance Miles. (Pulls out a stun gun) Lance: (Tries to run but ends up getting shot with the stun gun and blacks out.) [Scene blacks out] Scene twenty-one: Lance wakes up in a completely different room. He looks around to see that he’s no longer in his hotel room and his leg is broken. He notices the door opens to see Keith walk in with a tray in his hands. The atmosphere in the room is very intense and slightly volatile. Keith: You had a tragic little accident there. Lance: What did you do to me? (Begins feeling on his leg) Keith: It’s nice to have you here with me, sharing so much time together. (Sits on the side of the bed) -And to think I was about to lose you. Lance: You’re crazy I- Keith: No one is looking for you; in fact everyone thinks that you’re dead. Lance: My father- Keith: -Doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. Lance: (Tries to hold in the tears) [Scene cont. next page] Keith: (Stands up from the side of the bed) I’ll let you get some rest. (Begins walking towards the door) Lance: Why won’t you let me leave? Keith: (Turns around) Lance: Am I some fucking animal you’ve caught? Is this some sick game you like to play? Keith: Silly boy, always looking for the answer to a question you already know. (Exits the room and locks it.) Lance: (Begins to cry, but quickly remembers Kenny told him about the pocket knife he keeps under his pillow. He reaches under the pillow but finds nothing. Looks along the side of the bed to find it and begins to cut the rope that’s a holding both of his legs. Begins to look around the room to see if there’s a way out, but constantly runs into dead ends.) Fuck! (Notices the door is being opened and begins to limp quietly towards the closet and closes the door without any noise.) Keith: (Opens the door and walks inside to see Lance isn’t in his bed.) I just came to see if you were done eating? (Notices no one is in the room) There’s only one place that you can possibly be. Do you really think that I’m this fucking stupid?! Lance: (Covers his mouth with his hand and tries hard not to make a noise.) Keith: Oh, I wonder if you’re in the closet. (Opens both doors of the closet aggressively) Lance: (Aggressively hits Keith in the face with the statue.) [Scene cont. next page] Keith: (Falls to the ground in pain) Lance: (Grabs the crutches and runs out of the room. He gets to the stairs and isn’t paying attention to where he’s going and falls down. He gets up and tries to rebound from his injury. He grabs the keys from Keith’s jacket and limps quickly out the front door. Lance is trying to run down the street and looking around to see if he finds anyone outside.) Help me!!! (Tries hard to keep his composure) Lance: (Continues sprinting down the street on his injured leg and the crutches; Lance turns around to see Keith standing in the street looking at him with a sinister look on his face. He’s bleeding from the spot that Lance hits him with the statue. Lance begins to freak out and tries to run faster but he can’t. He ditches the crutches and begins to hop on one foot until he reaches Keith’s and quickly sits inside.) Keith: (Stops dead in the middle of the street looking at Lance) You don’t want to do this Lance. Lance: (Tries to start the car but fails but it won’t start up.) Keith: (Chuckles in a sinister way) Lance: (Attempts to start the car again and the engine fires up) Keith: Are you going to run me down? Lance: (Revs the engine) {Flashback starts} Lance: Oh, please be careful. [Scene cont. next page] Keith: I will baby, I will. (Kisses Lance then exits the diner.) [The scene doesn’t show Keith sprinting outside, opening his trunk with the murder weapon he used to kill Piotr and closes it. Kenny is staring at Keith the whole time while all of this is happening.] Keith: (Hands Kenny the handgun he used to kill himself.) I want you to take this and remember what you need to do with it. Kenny: If shit gets crazy I kill myself. Keith: Make it look like a suicide. Kenny: (Tries to hold in his tears and puts the gun into his backpack and runs off to Piotr’s house.) Keith: (Stares at Keith as he watches Kenny run back to Piotr’s house) {Flashback ends} Lance: (Tries to hold in his tears and frustration) Keith: Everything I did. I did it for you. I did it for us. Lance: (Shifts the car into drive and floors the accelerator pedal. Lance begins driving at full speed towards Keith.) Keith: (Stares at Lance as he careens towards him; he tries to dip below but notices he’s being held by Guadalupe who has a knife held to Keith’s throat.) Mom Guadalupe: You aren’t my son you evil bitch! [Scene cont. next page] Lance: (Floors the accelerator pedal all the way. The headlights from the SUV are blinding and the scene cuts to black.) [Fade out] Scene twenty-two: Lance wakes up in a hospital bed but he isn’t very coherent. He sees his dad standing beside him and another man who he can’t really make out who it is. The atmosphere in the room is mostly somber and full of sadness. Police officer: Your son is a hero. [Scene cont. next page] Dad: I’m just happy that he’s safe and okay. Police Officer: If you need anything else just let me know. Dad: Thanks Police Officer: (Exits the room) Dad: (Looks down at Lance who is still not very coherent) I can’t let you live knowing what you know. (Pulls out a syringe) -Back to your gilded cage, Lance Miles. (Injects Lance with a highly lethal poison that kills him and exits the hospital room. He walks outside of the hospital to see that the martial law had taken into effect. He sits inside of his limo and closes the door.) Keith: (Appears from the other side of the limo smiling and hands Lance’s Dad a wad of cash.) [The limo drives away. The scene slowly moves back toward the hospital room which is peaceful and quiet despite the volatile conditions outside and the camera shows Lance still in his hospital bed. Lance wakes up to see a letter on his bedside.] [Scene cont. next page] Lance’s dad narrates: “Take this cash and passport and leave far away from here. I did you a favor, love dad.” Lance: (Puts the note down, changes into his clothes and leaves the hospital.) [Dissolve] Scene twenty-three: Lance’s dad and Keith are sitting in the limo as they ride to the airport. The mood in the limo is seemingly laid back. Keith: Funny how lovebirds are actually quite mean to each other. Lance’s dad: Why did you make up the ‘lovebird story’? Keith: I knew that Lance couldn’t resist trying to prank me. We are the lovebirds you know. Lance’s dad: (Continues looking out of the window of the limo) Keith: It’s just a misfortune that all those people had to die. Lance’s dad: (Chuckles as the limo comes to a complete stop and he exits.) Keith: What’s going on? (Gets out of the limo to look around and see that he’s at the military base.) Why am I here? Lance’s dad: We thought we could shock you back into reality but clearly that’s not working. Keith: What are you talking about? Lance’s dad: Your name isn’t Keith Sanchez. It’s German Morales and you’re a secret service member brainwashed into believing you are someone you’re not. [Scene cont. next page] Keith: You’re lying! Lance’s dad: We’ve been trying to create a parallel between this universe and another. You are the test dummy. This isn’t your universe and you know way too much, so we have to terminate you for the protection of the United States and the world. Keith: (Doesn’t know how to respond) Lance’s dad: It’s funny how we create another reality to escape our own. Keith: (Kneels down holding his head in pain) Lance’s dad: -Back to your gilded cage Keith Sanchez. (Holds up a gun to the back of Keith’s head) Keith: (Looks up to see Kenny standing there waving at him. He closes his eyes before being shot in the head.) [The scene shows Keith’s lifeless body on the ground then slowly begins to fade away.] [Fade out] Scene twenty-four: Joyce walks into the front desk dusting off her counter and preparing to open the pet shop. The atmosphere has a strange vibe to it. Joyce: Raymond, can you please have Jorge take the van in for an oil change? Raymond: (Stands with a blank and emotionless look on his face then nods and walks away) Joyce: (Notices her phone is ringing and picks up) Hello? [Scene cont. next page] Angie: Has the task been completed? Joyce: Lance is still alive and his whereabouts remain unknown. Angie: Keith is a professionally trained operative. He should’ve been able to complete the tasks. Joyce: Keith has failed and now he’s being terminated. Angie: We can’t allow him to wander free with the knowledge that he knows. [Scene transitions into Lance walking down the street; he’s altered his looks so no one recognizes who he is.] Joyce: (Voice over the scene of Lance walking down the street) He was lured there but Keith fell in love and couldn’t kill him. Angie: Lance must die. Joyce: How does it look, a mother killing her own child? Angie: He’s not my child. (Hangs up the phone) Joyce: (Looks down at the phone and smiles) Jorge, I want you to take a little trip. (Smiles sinisterly) [Scene fades to black and ending credits roll]

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

2022 Range Rover

Likes: Land Rover has managed to keep the design fresh and current without straying completely leftfield. The flushed doorhandles really do make it look much classier than the current form. The rear tail lamps and brake lamps are not only the most powerful in the industry, but they really do give the Range Rover a classier look. You can choose from a potent six-cylinder mild-hybrid or a BMW-sourced eight-cylinder petrol units. A plug-in hybrid and all-electric variants will be available later. The Range Rover will be for the first time in seven-seat configuration with the long-wheelbase. The interior is much classier than it was before. Land Rover’s off-roading cred is still there. Dislikes: It’s more evolutionary than revolutionary in terms of exterior design. Are the Range Rover loyalists really wanting or desiring a seven-seat option? It also makes the Discovery seem even more pointless. We really are nitpicking here. Overall: The new Range Rover is a step forward for Land Rover in the right direction. The style is clean, and the technology should help it stay ahead of its competition. The current form has been around for a while and competition has caught up. We are happy Land Rover has updated the Range Rover. It has so much of what we love about it and more refinement which is never a bad thing in our books.