“We need to protect marriage.”
Protect marriage how? People have married landmarks, video game characters and even themselves. Shot gun weddings exist and even getting married out of wedlock. Marriage should be a union of two people that love each other whether they are two men or two women. Marriage doesn’t need protection; marriage needs to be redefined because it’s no longer just one man one woman and we shouldn’t be throwing religion in people faces to dictate what a marriage is.
“We must preserve traditional marriage.”
Man + woman
Wives submit sexually to their husbands
Interfaith marriage is forbidden
Marriage generally arranged, not based on romantic love
Brides who could not prove her virginity was stoned to death
Man + woman + woman’s property
Man could acquire his wife’s property including her slaves
Man + woman + woman + woman
Man could have multiple wives also known as polygamy
Man + brother’s widow
Widows who had not borne a son required to marry her brother in law, must submit sexually to her new husband.
Rapist + his victim
Virgin who is raped must marry her rapist. Rapist must pay victim’s father 50 shekels of silver for property loss.
Male soldier + prisoner of war
Under Moses’ command, Israelites kill every Midlantie man, woman and child; save for the virgin girls who are taken as spoils of war. Wives must submit sexually to their new owners.
slave + female slave
owners could assign female slaves to his male slaves. Female slaves must submit
sexually to their new husbands.These are all examples of traditional marriage and if these are the kind of weddings you want to preserve then you really do want to live in the dark ages because all of these marriage ideas are awful.
“Marriage is a sacred institution.”
is not a sacred institution! And marriage was not created by god! Marriage was
seen as a social contract between two people to keep an inheritance in a
family; to keep a last name going or keep a wealth within a family. It had
nothing to do with god and even if it did, Christianity only existed for at
least 6,000 years which means that marriage existed long before
Christianity. Further proof that your
argument is flawed!
“Marriage has always been a bond between
one man and one woman.”
may have been strictly between a man and a woman for those that feel the need
to push their biblical standards. But as a society entering new times, we are
seeing that love can exist between two men and two women. We should not be
dictating who you can and can’t love if that love isn’t harming anyone.
“Gay marriage will confuse the terms ‘husband’
and ‘wife’, or ‘mother and ‘father’.”
this is the same argument as the last one. Gender roles is the same as mother
and father; husband and wife. Just because two people are of the same sex
doesn’t mean that it will confuse these awful gender roles. Instead it should
show that we are living in a different times and the word ‘family’ is no longer
just a mother and a father.“Gay people cannot have children and so should not be allowed to marry.”
What if the couple is sterile and can’t have children? What if the couple doesn’t want children? Does this mean that they can’t get married? Sorry I forgot marriage isn’t about love and wanting to share your life with a special person, it’s all about women being baby factories and the man being an emotionless robot. Yes that’s the best marriage ever!
“No one has the right to redefine
we can redefine marriage and do you want to know why? We created marriage! God
didn’t! Marriage was a social contract between two people to keep a last name
going, to keep a blood line going and to keep a family inheritance in check. It
had nothing to do with god and I’m pretty sure there were marriages long before
Christianity existed. Oh wait, the world is 6,000 years old and people just pop
into existence from bones and dirt.
“The minority should not have the right
to dictate to the majority.”
one should be dictating to anyone about anything! All gay people want is to
live their life and be treated like everyone else. I don’t know why this is so
hard for you to understand! No one is forcing you to participate in gay sex. No
one is forcing you to perform a gay marriage. Marriage is a human right and of
course everyone deserves that right. If you aren’t harming anyone why should
you care? Are you secretly gay?
“Public opinion polls show most people
are against gay marriage.”
people that are against gay marriage actually don’t have a real valid reason as
to why they are against it. Also what is crazy is that most people who are
against it actually think that they themselves will have to become gay and
marry someone of the same sex. In fact that’s quite the opposite. All gay
people want is to get married and share their life with the person they love.
This shouldn’t be an issue because you surely don’t want your rights taken away
from you, and you surely don’t want anyone to dictate your life. What gives you
the right to do that to someone else? If they aren’t going around harming others
then let them be!
“Why is it so important for gay people
to have marriage?”
same reason that heterosexual couples want to get married, to share your life
with someone you love and care about. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting the only
reason to get married according to the bible is to create children. There’s no
love in marriage it’s all about having children and being miserable with
someone you don’t even care about.
“Gay marriage is immoral.”
guess rape, murder and slavery are perfectly moral then? Your bible says that
all of the three are okay and even though thou shall not murder is in the Ten
Commandments; it’s not even in the top five which is disturbing. Also god told
people to kill other people and even had the Israelites eat their own babies??
Yeah gay marriage is so much more immoral than these acts I mentioned above.
“I love my best friend, my brother and
my dog. That does not mean we should have the right to marry.”
is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. The love
you have between you and your mother in law is not the same as the love you’d
have for your spouse or significant other. You love your dog yes that’s fine
but are you in love with your dog? No you aren’t. So this argument makes
absolutely no sense! But then again this is coming from someone who thinks that
two people should marry to have children and not because they love each other.
“Gay rights are fashionable right now.”
if being gay were fashionable how come there are people protesting at anti-gay
marriage rallies? Everyone seems to have an opinion about gay marriage and most
of them are hate speech. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that they should have
fewer rights and wanting to be treated like second-class citizens. There is
nothing fashionable about having your rights taken away from you and people
openly discriminating against your lifestyle because they refuse to understand
“Gay people do not even want marriage.”
this were true how come there are so many gay people fighting for the right to
get married? How come when gay marriage is allowed in a state the number of
gays getting married in a single day are in the hundreds maybe thousands? Maybe
not all gay people want to get married right away and maybe some don’t want to
get married at all. But to deny the freedom of marriage to someone because it
violates your bible is not a valid reason. After all this country was founded
on religious freedom and we shouldn’t be throwing biblical agendas down
people’s throats.
“Gay people can already get married – to
people of the opposite gender.”
you even now what being gay means? It really means being happy but a man who is
attracted to other men and a woman that is attracted to other women is
considered being gay. Now that we have that out of the way, why would any gay
person marry someone of the opposite sex as opposed to the person they really
love? Are you stupid? How about I force
you to marry a man because it offends me that you want to marry a woman, do you
see how stupid that is?!!
allowed gay marriage and nothing has happened. Here in the U.S. there are
currently 37 states that allow gay marriage and none of these states have been
wiped off the face of the planet. Do you think that being gay is a plague? Only
thing that will change and should change is people’s attitude towards gay
people. Homophobes carry this mentality that if you hang around a gay person
you will become gay. If this were true; I fed some ducks in a park and I guess
that means that I’m a duck now.
marriage will not in any shape or form disestablish your church. However, what
should be disestablished is the hatred and bigotry that is associated with most
churches. Instead of radically loving others, you hate those who don’t agree
with you and banish them to hell. Rapists, pedophiles and murders are welcome
into your church and those individuals should be banished to hell for harming
other people. Do you see where I’m going with this? A gay person not harming
anyone is sent to hell, while those that harm others are redeemed.
“We are in an economic crisis, so we
should not be wasting time on gay marriage.”
shouldn’t be considered a luxury add on. How would you feel if your rights were
slowly being taken away from you and you were being treated like a second class
citizen? Yes you too would fight for your rights until you get what you deserve
and so should gay people.
violates natural law.
It imposes its acceptance on all society.
It offends god.
Paul taught in the Epistle to the Romans that the natural law is inscribed on
the heart of every man. (Rom. 2:14-15)
Mainstream psychology has proven that
being gay is not a choice. People are born with their sexual orientation and
learn what they are and aren’t attracted to as they grow up. Saying this
violates natural law is just plain idiotic. If you are getting your information
from a book that tells you God created Adam from dirt and Eve from a rib and
placed then in a garden with a talking snake. These events surely do sound more
convincing. Being gay is as natural as being heterosexual and should be treated
as such.
It imposes its acceptance on all society.
Those of the LGBT community should be
treated and accepted by society because they are people and all they want is to
have the same rights like everyone else. You don’t see gay people going from
house to house trying to recruit people like you see in some of these
religions. Who has the real agenda here? Also teaching your child about
homosexuality should be adapted in schools. Oh wait I forgot teaching your
children to hate is so much better than teaching them love and tolerance of
people that aren’t going around hurting others. That’s just fine! Keep hating
gay people because you don’t understand their lifestyle and refuse to want to
understand it.
It offends god.
This statement makes you look stupid and
do you want to know why? You claim that it offends god that someone is gay, but
it doesn’t offend god that babies die every day of starvation or illness that
have cures. There should be
a lot of things that offends god and yet god does nothing to help those people.
God doesn’t even reveal himself or show himself to people individually to prove
his existence. If being gay is so offensive to god then why did he create gay
people in the first place because being gay is not a choice. But then again
this is coming from the same god that created Adam and Eve with a forbidden
tree and he knew they were going to eat from that tree and cursed all of
humanity because of their fuck up.
homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a
Just because two people can’t physically
produce a child doesn’t mean that they’re lifestyle is wrong. Some heterosexual
couples can’t produce a child and have to go by the means of adoption. Does
this mean that they are wrong also?
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