What's On

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Flat Earth Theory (Debunked)

Rapper B.o.B. has caused a furor by tweeting that the Earth is in fact flat, and you only need to look at the evidence to come to the same conclusion. 

(I find it incredibly annoying when celebrities get on a platform and start pulling shit of their ass without any kind of logic or reason. What evidence do you have that the earth is flat? Where is the evidence?!)

Obviously, prominent scientists have openly mocked this claim, showing the many ways in which, it is ludicrous, no matter how many people insist otherwise. They’re right though; sadly. B.o.B. is wrong. His nonsense claims, such as the idea that Earth’s curvature should be visible at certain distances but isn’t, are just that: nonsense. His comments and insistent statements are little more than childish naivety. In truth, the conspiracy goes much, much deeper than that. 

(I surely can’t wait to hear how deep these conspiracies go. I mean since we are going to jump down the rabbit hole with this and whatever sense of logic is clearly going to be ignored. Let’s just dive in shall we! Please explain to me why the earth is flat; and I’ll promise I won’t try to hurl myself off the 99th floor of the nearest high rise.)

For example, the Earth really is flat. As in totally flat, like a sheet of glass. The definition of flat is “having a level surface; without raised areas or indentations”. So how can you have tall buildings and mountains if the Earth is flat? You can’t. Q.E.D. It would be like saying a hedgehog is flat, which, barring an unfortunate encounter with a heavy goods vehicle, it clearly isn’t.

(The earth indeed isn’t flat. I’ll give you an example that even a child would understand. The earth’s rotation speed is 1,000mph. The reason you don’t feel the earth move at this speed is due to gravity. It’s like driving a car. You don’t notice how fast the car is going because you’re moving with the car. It’s not dramatic like people think it should. Otherwise we’d all be dead. Secondly, a flat earth wouldn’t work because the center of gravity would be forced on the middle of the earth (north pole) and everything would have to be designed around that. Buildings would be built at an angle and walking to the north pole would be like trying to walk up a 90-degree wall. It just wouldn’t work.)

Some might take issue with this, based on the flimsy evidence that they can see buildings, hills, trees, mountains and things like that everywhere, and may even be in or on them right now. This is just another example of how blinkered people are. If you look closely, the clues are everywhere.

(Please explain to me what these clues are? We’ve debunked the flat earth again with this example. Climates and time zones. It’s basically 6:53am here in Chicago but in Paris it’s 12:54pm, or in Tokyo it’s 8:54pm. A flat earth would not divide the time zones as well as a ‘oblate spherical’ shaped earth would. Also, each part of the earth temperatures is different. The closer you are to the equator the warmer the climate is. The further away from the equator you travel, the climate gets colder. A flat earth would not divide climates at all.)

For instance, what’s the tallest supposed mountain on Earth? Everest. Except it isn’t. The name is a giveaway; it’s clearly a morphing of “never rest”, because if you wanted to go to the biggest mountain you’d literally never rest, because it isn’t actually there. 

(Let me get this straight. You’re saying that Mount Everest doesn’t exist? People who literally go to this mountain and try to hike it every year are not climbing the mountain at all? It’s just a figment of their imagination? It’s all just one big lie to propagate the government’s agenda to keep us dumb? I love conspiracy theories but this one is pushing every boundary of insanity that it possibly can.)

What about all those people who have climbed it, you say? Well, consider all the people who have died supposedly doing so. How do you die climbing something that isn’t there? You can’t. They were obviously killed to protect the conspiracy, whereas those who “survived” were willing to play ball.

(Okay, now this is just getting out of fucking control. You expect me to believe that Mount Everest doesn’t exist. The people who climbed it and died, didn’t climb the mountain because they were assassinated to keep a mountain a secret? You sir, have really need to lay off the cocaine or whatever drugs you’re on. Do you know how insane it sounds when you say the government is killing people to keep Mount Everest a secret? Why are they keeping this a secret?! Flat earth or not, this is stupid.)

And if that isn’t clear enough, pretty much everyone who attempts to climb Everest takes oxygen with them.

(Okay, Mount Everest is 29,000 feet plus in elevation. I’m pretty sure at a certain elevation you’ll need oxygen to assist you with breathing. The higher the elevation the thinner the oxygen layer becomes. There is a layer within the atmosphere that protects us mysterious objects from space.)

Why would you do that when there’s oxygen all around us, in the air? 

(The higher you climb in elevation the thinner the oxygen becomes. Denver for example sits pretty high in elevation and you immediately know because it has less oxygen levels than let’s say Chicago. It’s simple people!)

Wherever they’re going, it isn’t on Earth.

(You’re not on earth either, using this line of bullshit.)

You know where you do need oxygen, though? THE MOON! 

(According to Flat Earth Theory. The moon rotates around us like those toys attached to a crib. Are both the sun and moon rotating within the glass dome or outside of it? It’s pretty hard to see the sun from inside the glass dome and if the sun were that close inside of a glass dome. We’d all be dead because the sun is incredibly hot. 27 million degrees to be exact. Which means that both the glass dome and the earth would bake. Nothing on this planet would exist.)

That’s where they’re going. So-called mountaineers are being sent to the moon in order to fake climbing Everest. 

(Okay, not only is Mount Everest fake, but it’s not even on our planet. It’s on the goddamn moon! Are you people fucking insane?!!!)

This is why Nasa had to fake the moon landing with astronauts, because it was already full of mountaineers and they couldn’t risk exposing that conspiracy.

(The conspiracy about the ‘fake lunar landing’ is they filmed it in Area 51. Okay, now with that being said. Area 51, last time I checked was here on planet Earth. It wasn’t on the Moon and it wasn’t on Jupiter. Also, what is the goal of ‘fake mountains’ and how are all these people traveling to the goddamn moon to climb a mountain?)

See how it all adds up?

(None of it adds up. It’s all completely and utterly insane!)

Some might still object, because they’re currently sitting in a tall building. They’re not though, they only “think” they are. 

(Let me get this straight. I venture to the top floor of the Empire State Building. I’m not really in the Empire State Building. It’s all a figment of my imagination. You should test this theory out by jumping from the top floor. It’s not real according to your logic.)

In truth, everyone is breathing in a potent mix of hallucinogens that are constantly in the air around us, and these cause us to perceive buildings and tall things where there are none. How did these hallucinogens get in the air? Well, that’s what chemtrails are actually for.

(Somehow, I’m more convinced that you are the one on hallucinogens. It’s the only way that anyone could come up with bullshit like this.)

Don’t worry, these hallucinogenic compounds aren’t provided by evil “Big Pharma”; they’re actually secreted by the shape-shifting lizards that rule society. 

(Shape-shifting lizards keep us drugged up to convince us that the earth is flat? Why do we need to be convinced that the earth is flat? It’s quite literally impossible for the earth to be flat when simple logic is applied.)

Why do you think lizards are in charge in the first place? They provide the secretions that keep the population in line, believing in things like the Earth is round and buildings exist. 

(Please explain to me how you’ve come to this conclusion? I don’t know if I’m being trolled or if this is just a sick joke? Why are we being lied to about the shape of our planet? Why don’t buildings exist? You aren’t telling me jack shit about shit here. All you’re doing is pulling shit out of your ass and not providing any kind of evidence to back them up. I can say that Mars is the 19th planet in our solar system and that Mercury rotates around Jupiter. However, if I don’t have proof of these claims then my claims are just ramblings. And people will think that I’m stupid for saying them. The same can be applied here, I think you’re just stupid.)

The few times people have actually tried to make a tall building like the World Trade Centre, it is destroyed by the government.

(Burj Khalifa located in Dubai is currently the world’s largest tower. I haven’t seen that get destroyed, nor is it made up. It’s a real tower in a real location. We have proof that it exists. The World Trade Center is a whole other conspiracy inside of a conspiracy and we can sit here all day discussing that. However, what we are discussing is the shape of our planet. It’s round!)

Some refer to “false flags” at times like this. In truth, all flags are false; they’re non-existent tall structures, so are just figments of our collective imagination.

(Hypothetically speaking; if I were to fly you to Dubai right now and we were standing face to face with Burj Khalifa (the largest tower in the world) you wouldn’t believe it existed? You’d think that we were hallucinating and just imagining shit? I want whatever drugs you are on! Seriously, you can walk inside of the tower. You can touch the tower and you can see the tower. You can take photographs with it. It’s not imaginary it’s real!)

This leads us on to other considerations though, like how thick is the Earth? It may be totally flat, but nobody said it’s two-dimensional. It must have a thickness, because we can go underground or underwater. Unlike mountains, the oceans are clearly real, because otherwise where did Atlantis go?

(The distance between the earth’s surface to the core is 3,958 miles. You admit that oceans exist but mountains, man that shit is just made up. The numerous photos and physical proof that mountains exist aren’t enough? I guess we are all just hallucinating on some good ass drugs.)

The deepest part of the ocean we know about is the Mariana trench, a full 7 miles down. This means the Earth is at least 7 miles thick, and probably a lot more so, because that’s a lot of water on top of it and it would need to be solid enough to keep it all in, lest all of the seas leak out of the bottom of the world. 

(Give me the drugs! I want whatever you’re huffing or snorting to come up with this shit. Okay, like I said earlier. The distance between the surface of the planet to the core is 3,958 miles. The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean that we ‘know’ of. We have yet to explore the rest of the oceans and our technology isn’t advanced enough to do so. We still speculate that there are points that go deeper than that. I, without doubt believe that also. We have found proof that there is a layer of ocean water underground which further proves the possibility that our oceans extend way deeper than the Mariana Trench. Also, that just sounds incredibly insane to think that the our oceans leak into outer space; that would mean that we have no atmosphere and no life on earth would exist if it weren’t for that atmosphere. A glass dome wouldn’t exist either because it would be destroyed by the sun which in return would destroy all life on earth.)

This clearly isn’t happening, even if you do ignore the nonsense that is rising sea levels due to global warming. How can you have global warming without a globe to warm? Hoisted by your own petard there, scientists!

(Our sea levels have rose, and this is due to our polar ice caps melting at an alarming rate. Population on our planet has increased significantly over the past decade or so and with the increase in population comes the increase in emissions from manufacturers, cars and other emissions that are harmful to the atmosphere. It’s causing our climate to rise significantly which in return has caused our sea levels to rise. We have witnessed powerful hurricanes and other weather patterns that aren’t normal. Climate change is real. Also, each part of the earth experiences different climates at different times of the year. A flat earth would be illogical for seasons and time zones.)

Maybe the world is as thick as it is wide, and is actually a cube? 

(I need you to reel yourself back in. We’ve gone from flat earth to a cube shaped planet? I mean when does the nonsense end with you flat earth theorist? How far up your ass did you reach to grab this load of shit?)

Scientists scoff at this notion, arguing that gravity would mean the atmosphere would be much thicker at the centre of the each surface and nearly barren at the poles. But have you noticed how the atmosphere is much more humid at the so-called “equator” yet the poles are practically lifeless? Coincidence? OBVIOUSLY NOT!

(UV rays are strongest in areas close to the equator. ... UV radiation is also the strongest near the equator because ozone in these areas is naturally thinner, so there is less to absorb the UV radiation. UV exposure is lower in areas further from the equator because the sun is farther away. Yes, the poles are lifeless because its furthest away from the sun. Which means that the climate is much too harsh for us to live.)

When you follow this train of logic, it becomes clear that the only feasible conclusion is that Earth is indeed flat. Flatter than anyone has ever expected.

(How? Please explain to me how this justifies a flat earth?)

Either that, or the human brain has a habit of looking for patterns in innocuous or coincidental occurrences, ascribing great significance to any connection it can find and trying to make sense of them despite the absence of any concrete evidence. But seriously, that’s a bit of a far-fetched claim isn’t it?

(What I find incredibly far-fetched is that you think that the earth is flat. The earth is not flat! Proof #1: a flat earth wouldn’t work due to gravity. Our planet spins at 1,000mph which means that gravity is what keeps us from floating off into space. If I were to jump off a building. I wouldn’t float away into space. I would fall towards the ground due to gravity pulling me downward. Gravity on a spinning disc would mean that all the buildings would have to be angled because the center of our ‘disc’ would be equivalent to walking up a 90-degree wall. Proof #2: seasons and time zones. I stated this earlier and I’ll state it again. Our planet wobbles and this is how our seasons change. Australia is in winter when areas in the northern hemisphere are in summer and vice versa. Also, Paris is currently 6:20pm while here in Chicago it’s 11:20am. We wouldn’t have these time differences on a flat earth. Proof #3: the sun and moon. According to flat earth theories, the sun and moon rotate around us within our ‘dome disc shaped planet’. It is quite literally impossible for the sun to be this close to our planet. The sun would destroy our atmosphere as it would burn up to the point of no return and so would the glass dome which would melt from the heat of the sun. Proof #4: perspective. If you were to look out at the horizon. A ship would appear from the top down and coming in view and vice versa. A flat earth, you’d see the ship at same height no matter the distance. Proof #5: try sailing across the Pacific Ocean. There was a time when people really did think that the earth was flat. They set sailed out to see if you could ‘fall off the face of the planet’ but instead discovered land. We would find this edge of the earth if it were indeed flat. Which would also change gravity, seasons and time zones. Science would have to basically re-write itself to match this ‘flat earth’. However, even the moon proves our planet is not ‘flat’. Earth casts a shadow on the moon’s surface and that shadow is ‘round’ and not ‘flat’.) 

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